The Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada (C.C.M.C.) examination syllabus is carefully designed to prepare students of all ages to develop their skills in Christian music ministry and performance. This is achieved through a series of carefully graded examinations in music ministry/performance, music theory, history of Christian music and Bible knowledge.
These are much more than just music examinations. They have been developed in order to train up Christian musicians to provide special music ministry in churches and Christian concerts and to fully understand the musical and biblical content of the choruses and hymns which they study and perform. The repertoire in all levels consists of Christian hymns, choruses and spirituals chosen from our carefully graded examination syllabus.
For more than a century, secular conservatories of music from Britain and Canada have offered music examinations based on carefully graded syllabus requirements. These examination systems, along with thousands of dedicated music teachers, have helped to raise the standard of classical music to the extremely high level which we, in Canada, now enjoy. More recently, examinations in jazz, popular and rock music have been established and this we enthusiastically applaud. However, Christian music, both traditional and contemporary, has never been addressed in such a manner until now.
Many private Christian music teachers and Christian music schools do, in fact, teach Christian music but with no progressive curriculum to follow and no convenient list of suitable repertoire. It becomes extremely difficult to plan for the student’s ongoing development. Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada (C.C.M.C.) has the solution. After several years of extensive planning we have developed the first examination system and curriculum dedicated entirely to Christian music, both traditional and contemporary. Our examination system addresses all areas which are relevant to the training and development of Christian musicians of all ages and abilities. The key word here is RELEVANT.
As you read through our syllabus, you will find that there is a wide variety of repertoire which is suitable to any denominational tradition. “Materials of Music” (theoretical requirements) includes the study of staff notation in addition to chord chart symbols. This concept is carried over into the areas of Repertoire and Sight Playing. Our “Survey of Christian Music” examinations will give the student greater insight into the development of the hymns and choruses which they study. Lastly, our “Bible Basics” examinations are offered from the Elementary level through to the A.Mus.Min. Diploma.
Many private Christian music teachers and Christian music schools are enthusiastic about our programs. We are confident that Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada will set a new standard for both Christian music education and music ministry in Canada.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Dr. Gordon A. McKinnon
President, Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada